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Conference Co-Chairs

Kadi Bouatouch
IRISA, University of Rennes 1

Brief Bio
Professor Kadi Bouatouch is an electronics and automatic systems engineer (ENSEM 1974). He was awarded a PhD in 1977 (University of Nancy 1, France) and a higher doctorate on computer science in the field of computer graphics in 1989 (University of Rennes 1, France). He is/was working on global illumination, lighting simulation for complex environments, GPU based rendering, HDR imaging and computer vision. He is currently Emeritus Professor at the university of Rennes 1 (France) and researcher at IRISA Rennes (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires). He was the head of the FRVSense team with in IRISA. He was/is member of the program committee of several conferences and workshops and reviewer for several Computer Graphics journals such as: The Visual Computer, ACM Trans. On Graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE Trans. On Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Trans. On image processing, etc. He also acted as a reviewer for many conferences and workshops. He has reported for several PhD theses or higher doctorates in France and abroad (USA, UK, Belgium, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Algeria, etc.). He was an associate editor for the Visual Computer Journal. ... More >>

A. Augusto Sousa

Brief Bio
Augusto Sousa (m) got his PhD in 1996 in FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal), in the area of Computer Graphics/Image Synthesis and Parallel Computing. He has been teaching in the same Faculty since 1983, in areas related to Computer Architectures and Computer Graphics.
He was member of the Executive Board of FEUP, being the Vice-President of the Academic Affairs Council, from 2014 to 2022. Between 2008 and 2014, he was the director of MIEIC - Master in Informatics Engineering and Computing (a 5 years master program). Since 1985, he has been a researcher in INESC/INESC Porto, where
he was the Coordinator of the Information Systems and Computer Graphics Unit. He has been supervisor of several doctoral and masters' theses, in various areas of Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Geographical Information Systems.
A. Augusto de Sousa has been the main researcher of several R&D projects related to Advanced/Intuitive Interaction, Image Synthesis, Virtual Reality and Multisensory Virtual Environments.
As a member of the Executive Board of the Portuguese EUROGRAPHICS Chapter, he was, in two different periods of time, President, Vice-President and Treasurer, as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the EUROGRAPHICS Association itself.
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GRAPP Program Co-Chairs

Thomas Bashford-Rogers
University of Warwick
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
Thomas Bashford-Rogers is an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick. He obtained his PhD in Computer Graphics in 2011 and has a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Bristol. His research interests are focused around rendering and high dynamic range imaging, specifically Monte Carlo and MCMC methods for light transport simulation, material models, natural phenomena such as sky illumination, quantum computing, inverse tone mapping, and the use of human perception for graphics.

Daniel Meneveaux
University of Poitiers, XLIM

Brief Bio
Daniel Meneveaux is a Professor at the University of Poitiers (France) and XLIM institute (CNRS UMR 7252). He was awarded a Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the university of Rennes (France), hired as Professor in 2010. His fields of interest are lighting simulation, reflectance models, image-based rendering, complex scenes management, including topology-based geometric modeling and hierarchical representations.


HUCAPP Program Co-Chairs

Mehdi Ammi
University of Paris 8

Brief Bio
Mehdi Ammi is Professor at the University of Paris 8. He is engineer in electronics (2000), PhD in robotics (2005) and habilitaded to supervise research (HDR) in computer science since 2013. His research focuses on the study of pervasive environments and their societal and industrial applications (e-health, smart building, factory of the future, etc.). He addresses this field with a multidisciplinary approach combining, Human–Computer Interaction (plastic interaction, 3D interaction, AR/VR, etc.), Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, neurosciences, etc.), mechatronic technologies (organic electronics, smart textiles, etc.) and human factors (psychology, behavioral analysis, etc.). Mehdi Ammi was the leader or coleader of several international working groups (IEEE TCH, EuroVR Haptic SIG, etc.), and was involved in more than 30 national & international projects and industrial collaborations. ... More >>

Mounia Ziat
Bentley University
United States

Brief Bio
Relying on her multidisciplinary background, Dr. Ziat's approach to science is holistic; her goals are to better understand perception and human interaction with the natural and artificial environment. For the last eighteen years, she have been studying haptic and multimodal perception by combining engineering, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), and neuroscience to understand all aspects of human touch. From the moment fingers contact a surface to the time information reaches the brain, her research focusses on making sense of sensations that lead to a stable perception of the world. Dr. Ziat holds an Electronic Engineering degree and a Master and Ph.D. in Cognitive Science. Dr. Ziat is an Associate Professor at Bentley University. ... More >>


IVAPP Program Co-Chairs

Stefan Jänicke
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark

Brief Bio
Stefan Jänicke is Professor of Data Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. His research interests relate to information visualization and visual analytics with a focus on text-, time- and geo-visualization, and their application in research areas like (digital) humanities, linguistics, social sciences, biology, health and sports.

Helen C. Purchase
Monash University

Brief Bio
Helen C. Purchase is a Professor in the Department of Human-Centred Computing at Monash University. While her main interest is the evaluation of the visual presentation of graphs, she also takes part in several empirical research projects investigating a variety of different visual stimuli. She has published several papers in the area of computer science education and educational technology.


VISAPP Program Co-Chairs

Petia Radeva
Universitat de Barcelona

Brief Bio
Prof. Petia Radeva is a Full professor at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Head of the Consolidated Research Group “Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Applications (AIBA)” at the University of Barcelona. Her main interests are in Machine/Deep learning and Computer Vision and their applications to health. Specific topics of interest: data-centric deep learning, uncertainty modeling, self-supervised learning, continual learning, learning with noisy labeling, multi-modal learning, NeRF, food recognition, food ontology, etc. She is an Associate editor in Chief of Pattern Recognition journal and International Jo urnal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. She is a Research Manager of the State Agency of Research (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. She supervised 24 PhD students and published more than 100 SCI journal publications and 250 international chapters and proceedings. Petia Radeva belongs to the top 2% of the World ranking of scientists with the major impact in the field of TIC according to the citations indicators of the popular ranking of Stanford.  Moreover, she was awarded IAPR Fellow since 2015, ICREA Academia’2015 and ICREA Academia’2022 assigned to the 30 best scientists in Catalonia for her scientific merits, received several international and national awards (“Aurora Pons Porrata”, Prize “Antonio Caparrós” ). ... More >>

Antonino Furnari
University of Catania

Brief Bio
Antonino Furnari is an Assistant Professor at the University of Catania. He received his PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2017 from the University of Catania and authored one patent and more than 50 papers in international book chapters, journals and conference proceedings. Antonino Furnari is involved in the organization of different international events, such as the Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ACVR) workshop series (since 2016), the International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) (since 2017), and the Egocentric Perception Interaction and Computing (EPIC) workshop series (since 2018) a nd the EGO4D workshop series (since 2022). Since 2018, he has been involved in the collection, release, and maintenance of the EPIC-KITCHENS dataset series, and in particular in the egocentric action anticipation and action detection challenges. Since 2021, he has been involved in the collection and benchmarking of the EGO4D dataset. He is co-founder of NEXT VISION s.r.l., an academic spin-off the the University of Catania since 2021. His research interests concern Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning, with focus on First Person Vision. More information is available at ... More >>


GRAPP Associate Chairs

Area: Geometry and Modeling
Bailin Deng
Cardiff University
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
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Area: Rendering
Luis Paulo Santos
Universidade do Minho

Brief Bio
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Area: Animation and Simulation
Veronica Costa Orvalho
Didimo Inc. Universidade do Porto

Brief Bio
Verónica Orvalho is an optimist engineer. Veronica has a PhD in Computer Graphic, is a Professor at Porto University and the founder and CEO of Didimo. Fascinated by the many ways in which people communicate, learn and share knowledge, she set out to discover a new way to interact and install trust and empathy in the digital era – at scale. She recently gave a TEDx talk, received the Women Who Tech Award in New York and the IBM scientific award. Veronica is an international speaker and an active member of the SIGGRAPH community. Her inventions have been used by Universal Studios, Sony, Microsoft and Amazon.

Area: Interactive Environments
Daniel Gonçalves
INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico

Brief Bio
Daniel Gonçalves is a researcher at the Visualization and Multimodal Interfaces Group of INESC-ID and Professor of Computer Science at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UL), the School of Engineering of the University of Lisboa, Portugal. His research encompasses the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Personal Information Management and Gamification, and has published over 170 peer-reviewed publications in those areas, as well as being the co-author of a textbook on Human-Computer Interaction. He was one of the organizers and Technical Program Chair of IFIP INTERACT and ACM Internationa l Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, is member of the Editorial Board of the Universal Access to the Information Society journal, ACM Senior Member, and member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Computer Graphics Group (the national Eurographics chapter). ... More >>


HUCAPP Associate Chairs

Area: Agents and Human Interaction
Ahmed Farooq
University of Tampere

Brief Bio
Ahmed Farooq has over 20 years of experience working in Multimodal system Technologies, Human Computer Interaction, and Computational System Engineering. He has a master’s in computer science, PhD in Interactive Technologies and postdoc in Haptic Communication. His focus is developing novel methods for Human-Machine Interaction ranging from augmenting food items for XR/MR to multimodal interaction in semi-autonomous vehicles. For the last four years he has been developing interaction techniques for olfactory and haptic interfaces expanding on the concept of "Intelligent Haptic Mediation". These techniques include Constructive Wave Interference (CWI), Liquid and Solid Mediation, and Embedded Haptic Waveguides (EHWs) for mobile and hand-held devices. ... More >>

Area: Haptic and Multimodal Interaction
Bob-Antoine Jerry Menelas
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Brief Bio
Dr. Bob-Antoine Jerry Menelas is Professor of Computer Science at University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada. He holds a M. Sc. (2006) from University of Angers, France and a Ph.D. (2010) from University of Paris Sud XI, France in computer science. Before joining University of Quebec at Chicoutimi in 2011, from October 2010 to July 2011, Dr. Menelas was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Calgary, Canada. His research interests include Virtual Reality, Haptics, Serious Games and Mobile Interaction Design.

Area: Theories, Models and User Evaluation
Victor Adriel De Jesus Oliveira
St. Polten University of Applied Sciences

Brief Bio
Victor Adriel De Jesus Oliveira is a lecturer and researcher at St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences. He holds an M.Sc. (2014) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2018) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Additionally, he worked as a Fellow Ph.D. at the Robotics Brain and Cognitive Sciences Group at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Genova between 2015 and 2016. Victor primarily focuses on Human-Computer Interaction, specializing in Haptic Interaction, Virtual Reality, Mobile, UX Design, Web Accessibility, and Data Visualization.

Area: Interaction Techniques and Devices
Zhanat Kappassov
Nazarbayev University

Brief Bio
Zhanat Kappassov (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Specialist degree in radioengineering from the Tomsk State of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Russia, and the Ph.D. degree in robotics from the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), Sorbonne Université (formerly Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Paris, France, in 2017. His Ph.D. thesis was nominated as the Best Ph.D. Thesis 2017 by the GDR Robotique Association in France. He has worked with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan and Bentley University, USA. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Robotics with Nazarbayev Un iversity, Kazakhstan. His current research interests include tactile sensing for robot physical interaction, dexterous manipulation, and haptic interfaces. ... More >>


IVAPP Associate Chairs

Area: Information Visualization
Kostiantyn Kucher
Linkoping University

Brief Bio
Kostiantyn Kucher is a senior lecturer at Linköping University in Norrköping, Sweden. He received his PhD in Computer and Information Science from Linnaeus University (Växjö, Sweden) in 2019. Kostiantyn's research interests include visual analytics of texts, networks, and machine learning models as well as other fields of visualization, especially with applications in digital humanities and information science.

Area: Scientific Visualization
Christina Gillmann
Fraunhofer FIT

Brief Bio
Christina Gillmann Co-Heads the group of Data Management at Fraunhofer of Applied Information Technology FIT. Her research interests include uncertainty analysis, uncertainty-aware visual analytics, machine learning, medical visualization and data management.

Area: Visualization Techniques
Johanna Schmidt
TU Wien

Brief Bio
Johanna Schmidt is a Senior PostDoc researcher at the Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology at TU Wien, Austria. Johanna received her Ph.D. in data visualization in 2016 at the TU Wien, Austria. Her current research focuses on the visual analysis of extensive time-series data, mainly manufacturing data created by industry partners, and data literacy to better understand how users read data visualizations.


VISAPP Associate Chairs

Area: Image and Video Processing and Analysis
Dario Allegra
University of Catania

Brief Bio
Dario Allegra received his bachelor’s degree in computer science in 2012 and his master’s degree in 2014 from University of Catania. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2018 from University of Catania and he has conducted his research at University of Bern as guest Ph.D. student in 2017. He is currently a research fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Catania. He has authored over 40 research papers in international journals and conferences, has served as guest editor for a special issue in international journal and has been chairs of multiple worksho ps. His research interests lie in the fields of Machine Learning and Computer vision and mainly focus on food images understanding and cultural heritage preservation and valorization. ... More >>

Area: Image and Video Processing and Analysis
Gianluigi Ciocca
University of Milano-Bicocca

Brief Bio
Gianluigi Ciocca is currently an associate professor at University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). From 1998 to 2003 he has been a fellow at the Institute of Multimedia Information Technologies of the Italian National Research Council where his research has focused on the development of systems for the management of image and video databases and the development of new methodologies and algorithms for automatic indexing. In 2003 he joined the Imaging and Vision Laboratory of University of Milano-Bicocca. Since 2014 he is also a member of NeuroMi, the Milan Center for Neuroscience (Italy). He obtained the MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Milano (Italy) in 1998. In 2006 he received a Doctor in Philosophy degree (PhD) in Computer Science from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). His current research interests focus on image and video analysis and understandings, pattern recognition, and machine learning algorithms. ... More >>

Area: Image and Video Understanding
Mariella Dimiccoli
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC)

Brief Bio
Mariella Dimiccoli is a tenured research associate at the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRII), a joint Research Center of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). She holds a MSc degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy, and a PhD in Signal Theory and Communications from the Technical University of Catalonia, Spain. Prior to joining the IRII, she conducted research in several prestigious academic institutions within and outside Europe, including the Ecole Normale Supèrieure de Cachan (France), the Coll ège de France (France), the Computer Vision Center (Spain) and the University of Texas at Austin (US).

Throughout these experiences, her research interests have revolved around image and video understanding, using various methodological frameworks and exploring different application domains. Her current research interests lie in the areas of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with focus on representation learning and unsupervised approaches, both in structural and non-structural scenarios.
Her research output consists of more than sixty peer reviewed international publications, 2 best paper awards (IbPRIA 2017, ICIP 2019 top 10%), and several funded research projects.

She has been the recipient of several highly competitive and prestigious research fellowships, including a Marie Curie cofund fellowship in 2014, a Ramón y Cajal fellowship in 2018, a Humboldt fellowship for experienced researchers in 2022. In 2020 she has been nominated by the CSIC to join AcademiaNet - the expert database for outstanding female academics.
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Area: Image and Video Understanding
Fabio Galasso
Sapienza University of Rome

Brief Bio
Prof. Fabio Galasso heads the Perception and Intelligence Lab at the Computer Science Department of Sapienza University in Rome (Italy), with the goal of fundamental research and innovation transfer in computer vision and machine learning. Prior to Sapienza, he also conducted research at the University of Cambridge (UK) and at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany). Research achievements include several national (German) and 2 international (European) funded research projects, the 1st place at the UA-DETRAC'17 international competition for vehicle detection and the 3rd place for vehicle tracking at UA -DETRAC'18. He has been area and industrial chair at top international conferences and co-organizer of international workshops.

Besides academics, Prof. Galasso founded and directed the Computer Vision Department at OSRAM (Munich, Germany), world-wide leader in photonics. He cared about the entire life cycle of ideas, from the creation of new value propositions to the implementation of prototypes and pilots. Innovation transfer achievements include pilot installations at large industrial partners such as Edeka and Vodafone and the creation of a new product, named VISN, which was awarded the 2019 IoT/WT Innovation World Cup, the 2019 Digital Champions Award, and the 2018 Deutscher Digital Award. He is inventor of 23 granted patents.
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Area: Motion, Tracking, and 3D Vision
Matteo Dunnhofer
University of Udine

Brief Bio
Matteo Dunnhofer is a postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Learning and Perception Lab of the University of Udine, Italy. From the same institute, he received the BSc and MSc in Computer Science in 2016 and 2018, and the PhD in Industrial and Information Engineering in 2022. In 2018, he has been visiting student at the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision hosted at the Queensland University of Technology. More recently, he spent time as visiting scientist at MIT, York University, and the University of Alcalá.
His research focuses on the use of deep learning to tackle computer vision problems, especially fo
r visual object tracking. He is also interested in applying deep learning techniques in the context of medical image analysis and video-based sport analytics. On these topics, he published several papers that appeared in international journals and conferences, and he organized workshops and tutorials. In 2021, he has been awarded for winning the Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Long-term Challenge held at ICCV 2021. He also serves as reviewer for the most relevant journals and conferences in computer vision, pattern recognition, and robotics. He was recognised as an outstanding reviewer by ECCV 2022. ... More >>

Area: Motion, Tracking, and 3D Vision
Jun Sato
Nagoya Institute of Technology

Brief Bio
Jun Sato received Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge in 1997, and he is currently a professor at Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. He received the Best Scientific Paper Award at the British Machine Vision Conference in 1994 and 1997. He published more than 200 papers in journals and conference proceedings about 3D reconstruction, visualization and imaging. He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).

Area: Mobile, Egocentric, and Robotic Vision
Dimitri Ognibene
Università degli studi Milano-Bicocca, Italy and University of Essex
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
Dimitri Ognibene is Associate Professor of Human Technology Interaction at the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. His main interest lies in understanding how social agents with limited sensory and computational resources can adapt to complex and uncertain environments, how this can induce suboptimal behaviors such as addiction or antisocial behaviors, and how this understanding can be applied to real life problems. To this end it develops both neural and Bayesian models and applies them both in the physical field, e.g., robots, and virtual, e.g., social media, settings.

Before joining Milano Bicocca
University, he was at the University of Essex as Lecturer in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from October 2017 having moved from University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) where he was a Marie Curie Actions COFUND fellow. Previously he developed algorithms for active vision in industrial robotic tasks as a Research Associate (RA) at Centre for Robotics Research, Kings’ College London. He developed Bayesian methods and robotic models for attention in social and dynamic environments as an RA at the Personal Robotics Laboratory in Imperial College London. He studied the interaction between active vision and autonomous learning in neuro-robotic models as an RA at the Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies of the Italian Research Council (ISTC CNR). He also collaborated with the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (UCL) to study how to model exploration in the active inference modelling paradigm. He has been Visiting Researcher at Bounded Resource Reasoning Laboratory in UMass and at University of Reykjavik (Iceland) exploring the symmetries between active sensor control and active computation or metareasoning. He obtained his PhD in Robotics in 2009 from University of Genoa with a thesis titled “Ecological Adaptive Perception from a Neuro-Robotic perspective: theory, architecture and experiments” and graduated in Information Engineering at the University of Palermo in 2004. He is associate editor of "Cognitive Computation and Systems", handling editor of "Cognitive Processing", review editor for "Paladyn, The journal of Behavioral Robotics", "Frontiers Bionics and Biomimetics", and "Frontiers Computational Intelligence in Robotics", guest associate editor for "Frontiers in Neurorobotics", "Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience" and section "Systems & Control Engineering" of Electronics published by MDPI. He has been chair of the robotics area of several conferences (e.g. VISAPP) and workshops. ... More >>

Area: Mobile, Egocentric, and Robotic Vision
Francesco Ragusa
University of Catania

Brief Bio
Francesco Ragusa is a Research Fellow at the University of Catania. He is member of the IPLAB (University of Catania) research group since 2015. He has completed an Industrial Doctorate in Computer Science in 2021. During his PhD studies, he has spent a period as Research Student at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. He received his master’s degree in computer science (cum laude) in 2017 from the University of Catania. Francesco has authored one patent and more than 10 papers in international journals and international conference proceedings. He serves as reviewer for several international conferences in the fi elds of computer vision and multimedia, such as CVPR, ECCV, BMVC, WACV, ACM Multimedia, ICPR, ICIAP, and for international journals, including TPAMI, Pattern Recognition Letters and IeT Computer Vision. Francesco Ragusa is member of IEEE, CVF e CVPL. He has been involved in different research projects and has honed in on the issue of human-object interaction anticipation from egocentric videos as the key to analyze and understand human behavior in industrial workplaces. He is co-founder and CEO of NEXT VISION s.r.l., an academic spin-off the the University of Catania since 2021. His research interests concern Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning, with focus on First Person Vision. ... More >>

Area: Applications and Services
Eduardo Aguilar Torres
Universidad Catolica del Norte

Brief Bio
Eduardo Aguilar Torres holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Barcelona under the tutelage of Dr. Petia Radeva. He is a Civil Engineer in Computing and Informatics and a Master's in Computer Engineering from the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN).
His undergraduate studies were concluded with Academic Distinction, his master's degree with Highest Academic Distinction, and his doctoral degree with Cum Laude. He is currently a Beatriu de Pinós Postdoc fellow at Universitat de Barcelona and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering at UCN. H
e has developed several papers within the field of machine learning and computer vision, most of them in international conferences and high-impact scientific journals (WOS Q1 and Q2). In particular, his main interest is in the research and application of deep learning algorithms and uncertainty modeling to analyze the semantic content present in images accurately and robustly.
He has also collaborated in several R&D projects as a research team member and principal investigator. As principal investigator, he has led a project dealing with object detection in the framework of mining occupational safety, and he is currently leading a project on visual food analysis for monitoring the Chilean diet.
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Area: Applications and Services
George Azzopardi
University of Groningen, Netherlands and University of Malta

Brief Bio
George Azzopardi is an associate professor in pattern recognition at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is the coordinator of the Applied AI theme of the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI. Prof Azzopardi earned a BSc degree (Hons) from Goldsmiths College, an MSc degree from Queen Mary University of London, and a PhD degree (cum laude) in computer science from the University of Groningen in 2013. Prof Azzopardi has (co-) authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications and has successfully (co-) promoted 7 PhD candidates. His research spans brain-inspired pattern recognition, i mage processing, machine/deep learning, and information retrieval, with application to medical, forensic and radioastronomy image analysis. His work led to him being a co-recipient of the Ben Feringa Impact Award from the University of Groningen in 2023 and the ENLIGHT Impact Award from the ENLIGHT European University in 2024. Currently, Prof Azzopardi serves as associate editor for the Q1 journal, Pattern Recognition. ... More >>
